Genomics and Gene Regulation

The Genomics and Gene Regulation group at Cardiff University is interested in understanding how gene expression is regulated during both development and in a disease context; with a focus on cancer.

We use a number of computational and statistical approaches to ask and answer questions about biological systems, often in close collaboration with experimental biologists. Our research interests encompass a variety of themes, including understanding how the 3D structure around important transcription factors influences genome evolution and identifying the genomic and epigenetic features that determine whether a gene is regulated by a specific developmental signalling pathway.



E-mail: harmstonn (at)


You can find a current and complete list of publications on Google scholar.
FOXO-regulated DEAF1 controls muscle regeneration through autophagy (2024)
[manuscript @ Autophagy]

Kah Yong Goh, Wen Xing Lee, Sze Mun Choy, Gopal Krishnan Priyadarshini, Kenon Chua, Qian Hui Tan, Shin Yi Low, Hui San Chin, Chee Seng Wong, Shu-Yi Huang, Nai Yang Fu, Jun Nishiyama, Nathan Harmston, Hong-Wen Tang

p Aberrant non-canonical NF-κB signalling reprograms the epigenome landscape to drive oncogenic transcriptomes in multiple myeloma (2024)
[manuscript @ Nature Communications]

Daniel A Ang, Jean-Michel Carter, Kamalakshi Deka, Joel HL Tan, Jianbiao Zhou, Qingfeng Chen, Wee Joo Chng, Nathan Harmston, Yinghui Li

The Wnt co-receptor PTK7/Otk and Its Homolog Otk-2 in neurogenesis and patterning (2024)
[manuscript @ Cells]

Qian Hui Tan, Agimaa Otgonbaatar, Prameet Kaur, Angelica Faye Ga, Nathan P Harmston, Nicholas S Tolwinski

ggbulksurv: An R package for easy Drosophila and C. elegans survival analysis (2024)
[manuscript @ microPublication Biology]

Qian Hui Tan, Nathan Harmston, Nicholas S Tolwinski

The cholesterol biosynthesis enzyme FAXDC2 couples Wnt/β-catenin to RTK/MAPK signaling (2024)
[manuscript @ JCI]

Babita Madan, Shawn Wadia, Siddhi Patnaik, Nathan Harmston, Emile Tan, Iain Bee Huat Tan, W. David Nes, Enrico Petretto, David M. Virshup

A high-resolution map of human RNA translation (2022)
[manuscript @ Molecular Cell ]

Sonia P Chothani, Eleonora Adami, Anissa A Widjaja, Sarah R Langley, Sivakumar Viswanathan, Chee Jian Pua, Nevin Tham Zhihao, Nathan Harmston, Giuseppe D’agostino, Nicola Whiffin, Wang Mao, John F Ouyang, Wei Wen Lim, Shiqi Lim, Cheryl QE Lee, Alexandra Grubman, Joseph Chen, JP Kovalik, Karl Tryggvason, Jose M Polo, Lena Ho, Stuart A Cook, Owen JL Rackham, Sebastian Schafer

A p300/GATA6 axis determines differentiation and Wnt dependency in pancreatic cancer models (2022)
[manuscript @ The Journal of Clinical Investigation ]

Z Zhong, N Harmston, KC Wood, B Madan, DM Virshup

Combining Stem Cell Rejuvenation and Senescence Targeting to Synergistically Extend Lifespan (2022)
[manuscript @ Ageing ]

Prameet Kaur, Agimaa Otgonbaatar, Anupriya Ramamoorthy, Ellora Hui Zhen Chua, Nathan Harmston, Jan Gruber, Nicholas S. Tolwinski

The importance of considering regulatory domains in genome-wide analyses – the nearest gene is often wrong! (2022)
[manuscript @ Biology Open]
[Future leader to watch – Nathan Harmston]

Ellora Hui Zhen Chua, Samen Yasar, Nathan Harmston

Wnt Signaling Rescues Amyloid Beta-Induced Gut Stem Cell Loss (2022)
[manuscript @ Cells]

Prameet Kaur, Ellora Hui Zhen Chua, Wen Kin Lim, Nathan Harmston, Nicholas S. Tolwinski

A Non-Canonical Raf Function Is Required for Dorsal-Ventral Patterning During Drosophila Embryogenesis (2022)
[manuscript @ Scientific Reports ]

Jay B. Lusk, Ellora Hui Zhen Chua, Prameet Kaur, Isabelle Chiao Han Sung, Wen Kin Lim, Vanessa Yuk Man Lam, Nathan Harmston, Nicholas S. Tolwinski

WNT inhibition creates a BRCA‐like state in Wnt‐addicted cancer (2021)
[manuscript @ EMBO Molecular Medicine]

Amanpreet Kaur, Jun Yi Stanley Lim, Sugunavathi Sepramaniam, Siddhi Patnaik, Nathan Harmston, May Ann Lee, Enrico Petretto, David M Virshup, Babita Madan

Widespread repression of gene expression in cancer by a Wnt/β-catenin/MAPK pathway (2021)
[manuscript @ Cancer Research]

Nathan Harmston, Jun Yi Stanley Lim, Oriol Arqués, Héctor G Palmer, Enrico Petretto, David M Virshup, Babita Madan

Regulation in common: Sponge to zebrafish (2020)

Nathan Harmston


Nathan Harmston

Principal investigator

I am a computational biologist who leads the Genomics and Gene Regulation group at Cardiff University.


Kieran Howard

Kieran's PhD is focused on understanding the conservation and function of regulatory elements using data-driven approaches.

Previous lab members

Qian Hui - Research Assistant 2019 - 2022 -

Ellora Chua - Research Assistant 2019 - 2022 -

Sara Haghani - Research Assistant - 2021 - 2022

Glenda Chin - Capstone student 2021 - 2022

Bin Choi - Summer Research Project 2021

Golam Rabbani - Summer Research Project 2021

Anbazhagan Pavithra - Summer Research Project 2021

Sara Haghani - Capstone student 2020 - 2021

Samen Yasar - Capstone student 2020 - 2021

Raihanah Nabilah Fatinah - Summer Research Project 2020

Maria Paula Leon Mora - Summer Research Project 2020

Anjali Kannangath - Capstone student 2019-2020